
Basketball Wives Star Tami Roman: I Haven’t Spoken To Shaunie O’Neal Since I Left The Show


Tami Roman, former star of Basketball Wives, has revealed that she has not spoken to Shaunie O’Neal since she exited the show last season.

“Do I still talk to Malaysia [Pargo]? Yes, I talk to Malaysia via Instagram. I feel like I’m talking to you when I like your pictures. It’s like, I see a picture I like or I leave a comment on your picture. That’s me talking to you. There’s no issue with me and Malaysia. I don’t think there ever was an issue with me and Malaysia, so, ain’t no need to have one now. Me and OG are good. Someone said how’s me and OG. OG’s my sister. Love me some OG, so we’re good on that,” Tami responded to a fan who asked about her relationship with Malaysia.

She then revealed the status of her relationship with Shaunie:

“Somebody said how is me and Shaunie. I haven’t talked to Shaunie since I left the show. So that’s how me and Shaunie are,” Tami said.

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