
Basketball Wives Star Brittish Williams Fights Husband Lorenzo On IG! (Video)


Basketball Wives star Brittish Williams and her babys father Lorenzo Gordon’s relationship is in a very bad place, MTO News has confirmed. The two got into a public back-and-forth after the latter called him out through a video posted on social media on Tuesday, October 27.

Labeling the basketball player as a “b***h,” the former “Basketball Wives” star said, “Public service announcement, my baby daddy is a sucker, let’s make that very clear. I’m not talking to you, I’m bothering you not you. I changed my number almost two months ago. You can’t even contact me, what are we talking about?”

Brittish went on accusing him of being a deadbeat dad to their daughter Dash Dior Gordon and made it clear she would not leave her in his care. “You’re not having your damn child, you don’t care about her, you don’t send money, you don’t,” she said. “Nobody owes you anything, I don’t owe you money for something you bought me. Are you stupid? Who ever asks for some f**kin s**t in return?”

Here is just a bit of their fight:

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