Porsha Williams from the Real Housewives of Atlanta revealed that she and R Kelly were an item – sort of. According to Porsha, she went to R Kelly’s house, while he was married to Andrea, and she had relations with the singer.

MTO News learned that Porsha felt “pressured” into the situation – because she really wanted him to help her get into the music industry.
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Heres’ her story, This is what she told People magazine:
“I realized it was my opportunity to help anyone who’s been hurt by him,” she tells PEOPLE in this week’s issue. “There had been so many other instances where I had been abused by men that my mentality [at that time] was of an abused person, and that it was okay for me to be treated like that.”
After meeting a friend of the R&B singer in 2007, the future Real Housewives of Atlanta star, then 25 and considering a career in music, was flown to Chicago to meet Kelly and potentially work with him. Williams says she expected to be driven to a recording studio when she arrived but was taken to Kelly’s home instead.
After an initial introduction to Kelly — who was found guilty of racketeering and sex trafficking in September — someone led Williams to his bedroom and left her alone there for hours. When Kelly finally joined her, she said he told her to take off her clothes. “I’ve already put myself in this position,” she writes in her new memoir The Pursuit of Porsha, available Nov. 30. “This is what you’re supposed to do. You have to. There is no turning back.”
Williams saw Kelly two more times and says in her book that she encountered several young women who also were staying at his home. She writes that she decided not to see him again after she woke up one day and heard a woman being beaten in another room.