
Antonio Brown Releases Statement On NFL Suspension


Antonio Brown has released a statement about his NFL suspension.

“Mr. Brown is vaccinated and continues to support the vaccine for any person for whom it is appropriate. The NFL made its determination and, instead of going through the drawn out process of challenging the outcome, Mr. Brown wrapped this up promptly and he will make this most of this time by treating an ankle injury. Mr. Brown will be motivated, well rested, and in the best shape of his life when he returns in week 16.”

 Brown was accused of obtaining a fake COVID-19 vaccination card so he could avoid NFL protocols. He was suspended for 3 games.


According to Los Angeles chef Steven Ruiz, he was sent a text message by Brown’s girlfriend Cydney Moreau on July 2nd that said Brown was willing to pay $500 if he could get a Johnson & Johnson vaccination card.

“Can you get the COVID cards?” Moreau texted Ruiz. “I can try,” Ruiz responded. “JNJ shot. Ab said he would give you $500,” she then texted back. Antonio Brown is reportedly called “Ab” by his family and friends.

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