
Andrew Cuomo To Sue Trump If He Refuses To Give COVID-19 Vaccine To NY


New York governor Andrew Cuomo has threatened to sue President Donald Trump after he claimed that he would withhold the COVID-19 vaccine from the state.

“I tell you today, if the Trump administration does not change this plan and does not provide an equitable vaccine process … we will bring legal action to protect New Yorkers,” the governor said while at Riverside Church in Morningside Heights in Manhattan.

“I’m not going to allow New Yorkers to be bullied or abused,” the governor added.

The Trump administration has still refused to concede to election winner Joe Biden and is proceeding as if they had secured a second term.


Trump says he will give the vaccine to states who will use the vaccine immediately. Cuomo has said that the state will.

“New York will mobilize an army to vaccinate all New Yorkers fair and equitably,” Cuomo said. “No state will do it better.”

People now want Trump to focus on moving out of the White House.

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