Amy Cooper — nicknamed ‘Central Park Karen’ after she called the cops on a Black man and lied that he was threatening her, even though she was being filmed, has had a misdemeanor charge against her dropped after completing a racial bias program.
Amy faced a charge of falsely reporting an incident to police after she told them Christian Cooper, a Black man, threatened her and her dog. He did not.
“I’m in The Ramble, and there’s a man, African American, he’s got a bicycle helmet. He’s recording me and threatening me and my dog,” she said on the phone to 911.
The legal officials did not want to throw the book at her.
“Given the issues at hand and Ms. Cooper’s lack of criminal background, we offered her, consistent with our position on many misdemeanor cases involving a first arrest, an alternative, restorative justice resolution,” Assistant District Attorney Joan Illuzzi told a Manhattan judge, according to a statement provided to NPR.