
Alec Baldwin Claims Halyna Hutchins Wanted To See Him ‘Cock The Gun’ In ‘Rust’ Shooting


In new legal documents, Alec Baldwin is claiming that Halyna Hutchins, the cinematographer who he shot and killed on the set of the Rust movie, told him that she wanted to see him cock the gun.

“Baldwin asked Hutchins whether she wanted to see him cock the gun, as the script required. She responded yes. Baldwin tipped the gun down somewhat so that the lens of the camera would be able to focus on his hand’s action on the top of the gun. While performing this action, Baldwin asked Hutchins, ‘Am I holding it too far down?’ and ‘Do you see that?’ Hutchins responded that she could see Baldwin’s action from her angle. Baldwin then pulled back the hammer, but not far enough to actually cock the gun. When Baldwin let go of the hammer, the gun went off,” the filing sreads per CNN.

Hutchins’ family released a statement to CNN blasting the actor.

“Alec Baldwin once again is trying to avoid liability and accountability for his reckless actions before and on Oct 21st that resulted in the death of Halyna Hutchins, as demonstrated by today’s arbitration demand for indemnification from the Rust production company. Baldwin’s disclosure of personal texts with Matt Hutchins is irrelevant to his demand for arbitration and fails to demonstrate anything other than Hutchins’ dignity in his engagement with Baldwin. It is shameful that Baldwin claims Hutchins’ actions in filing a wrongful death lawsuit derailed the completion of “Rust.” The only action that ended the film’s production was Baldwin’s killing of Halyna Hutchins.”

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