Former Real Housewives of Orange County’s Braunwyn Windham-Burke says she doesn’t regret her time on the show.
During her season, she confessed to being an alcoholic, came out as lesbian and her marriage fell apart.
She has been fired from the show.
“Like, obviously, do I wish I was coming back? Are there things I could have done differently? Probably,” she told US Magazine. “But, one of the things about the program I’m working [with] is that you don’t have regrets. Everything that I do is for a reason and when to not regret the past or when to shut the door on it. So, if I were to live in the past and regrets, I don’t know where that would lead. So, I don’t have any regrets.”
Braunwyn says she’s enjoying being sober.
“Everything that has gotten me here today has gotten me to 505 days sober, so I regret nothing,” the reality star said. “I do want to say, and this is the most important thing that I could say across the board, I am so grateful for the show because I know that without the show I wouldn’t have stayed sober. I wouldn’t have had that accountability that the fans gave me and how can you regret anything when it helped you save your life?”