There’s a disturbing video trending worldwide, MTO News confiremd, showing two popular Tik Tok stars, 18 year old twins Amanda and Amália – being shot and killed. And the killers live-streamed their murder for millions to see on Instagram Live!

The video showing the two teenage girls being murdered quickly went viral on social media, and has already been viewed more than 1 million times – and is causing outrage across the globe.
The outrage had “Amanda and Amelia” trending globally on Twitter, and had hundreds of people calling for an international manhunt for the twin girls’ killers.
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Local reports say that the two girls, who are from a small town in the Pacajus metropolitan region of Fortaleza of Brazil, were lured into the countryside, and forced to kneel down by their abductors.
Then each girl was shot once in the back of the head execution style. The killers brazenly streamed the murder on Instagram Live and told followers to “share” the video.
There’s all sorts of speculation as to why the teens were killed, including allegations that the two may have gotten mixed up with drug dealers.
The twins Tik Tok account had more than 2,000 followers.