During the first episode of 1000-lb Best Friends, Vanessa Cross shared a story about the love of her life, Damien Metts — the man she loved and lost. Now, we’ve discovered that “Dee” did indeed die young as she said.

And, MTO News learned that that he passed away in prison – and while
This season on the new TLC show, Vanessa talked about growing up poor and eventually becoming homeless. She says she and her mother even lived in their car. As an adult she also lived on the edge of poverty, and eventually became a mom herself when she gave birth to her sons, Werner Cross and Jacob Cross.
Her sons father left and she met a guy named calls “D.” Vanessa Cross said he was a father figure to her boys and the love of her life. Then, he died of liver cancer in 2016, but there’s more to the story.
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After losing D, she said she was depressed. And Vanessa turned to food, she said on 1000-lb Best Friends. She said she’s still in pain from the loss of her boyfriend and turned to food for comfort. She admits she’s over 400 pounds now.
“D” died in prison and prior to his last incarceration, he was involved heavily in the streets. Here’s a list of a few of the crimes that he had been convicted of:
12/21/2016 – felony sale and distribution of marijuana – sentenced to probation.
2/27/2007 – sale of cocaine – pled guilty to felony – 60-120 days in prison, probation, drug counseling.
7/18/2007 – possession of a firearm in the commission of a felony, declined to prosecute (likely in conjunction with the guilty plea above)
8/21/2008 – felony possession with intent to distribute cocaine and “other drug” plus possession of marijuana – remanded to custody
5/27/2015 – possession with intent to sell chlorophenylpiperazine* and marijuana greater than one ounce – guilty – four years probation, six-year confinement, credit for time served
D and 1000-lb Best Friends star Vanessa Cross got involved between his 2008 arrest and his 2015 conviction. He is not the father of either of her sons, Werner or Jacob Cross.
For his last prison stint, D was sent to Georgia Diagnostic and Classification State Prison. Damien died in custody there. The facility is refusing to give details on the cause of death, as it is protected medical information.