
Tr3yway Leader Shotti Says He’ll Be Out Of Prison Soon!!


Tr3yway boss, Shotti, has hinted that he could be released from prison sooner than everybody thinks.

“BEING YOURSELF IS THE BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD” 100% UNCUT RAW NO ADDITIVES NO SUBTRACTIONS NO KAP NO BIDAH REAL N*GGA #wedontbendwedontbreakwedontfold #shottiedidit BE HOME SOONER THAN THE WORLD THINKS ❗️❗️❗️” he captioned a post of himself.

Shotti is behind bars after tekashi 6ix9ine snitched on him.

In an interview last year, he said he wasn’t mad at 6ix9ine.

I’m in here with most of my friends. These dudes ain’t have anything to do with what happened. We didn’t come in here cause of this Danny guy. We came in here cause a quote-unquote gangsta didn’t want to do the time for his sh*t. And the kid told. I’m not mad at him. I’m not mad at him.”

Tr3way Shotti speaks from prison on 69, his reason for an appeal and his side of the Tr3way Story

He said he had love for 6ix9ine.

“You don’t judge a person off what the world says. I judged him by his character. I loved him. Maybe my love for him blinded me. Even with that being said, I never thought he’d be involved with other people, make falsehoods, and get people taken away from their families. Ish was just a driver, he never carried a gun, never robbed nobody. He’s doing five years. They said Melly sold drugs, Melly never sold no drugs. Everybody knows that.”

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