
Tami Roman Says Her Daughter Came Out To Her As Bisexual Via Text!!


Tami Roman has revealed that her daughter Jazz came out to her as bisexual via text message — and she was not happy about it.

She says she was upset that Jazz chose to text her the big news rather than speak to her directly.


While speaking to TS Madison, she added:

“That wasn’t what I envisioned for my daughter. When any mother is pregnant with her son, she doesn’t say, ‘I want my son to be a gay male.’ When she has a daughter, she doesn’t say, ‘I want my daughter to be a lesbian.’ You hope that if that’s their truth that you’re able to love them and still have a relationship and a rapport with them,” she explained.

“And there are some mothers out there that don’t. I’m the type of mother that does. But at the same time, this is not what I envisioned, I wanted her to have a husband and kids. I felt like she selfishly through a monkey wrench in my plans.”

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