Ashley Darby and Michael Darby have officially legally separated, and will be moving towards divorce Media Take Out has confirmed.
Ashley released a statement saying the following:
“Almost eight years ago, when Michael and I said ‘I do,’ we anticipated sharing every single day together from that moment forward. Unfortunately, that is not our current reality. We have decided to separate. We are aware that there will be many speculative views as to why we have made this decision.
People will be quick to assume that the causes were too much intrusion by reality TV into the most personal parts of our lives, age gap issues, cultural problems, or child-rearing differences. Pieces of all these may have affected our pure love for each other, but no one reason is the root cause of our mutual decision to go our separate ways,” she said. “We are now both at very different stages in our lives and have different goals for our futures. We both want the other to achieve true happiness and fulfillment and feel that we cannot do this together.”
And Media Take Out has also confirmed that Ashley stands to make a lot of money from the divorce. According to one of our top sources, Ashley has a prenup which guarantees that she’s getting a lump sum, and child support.