
Nick Cannon Says Monogamy Isn’t Healthy


Nick Cannon does not believe that monogamy is healthy.

The media personality is expecting his 8th child.

“Every woman that I have a child with, there is definitely a conversation about, ‘Wow, how amazing would this be?’ I feel like every woman I have a child with are amazing mothers, and there was a thought process going into like, ‘Man, she would be an amazing mother, she’s desired children, I can’t wait to see what type of mother she would be,'” he said on D.r Laura Berman’s podcast.


He said all of his children were planned.

“Married is not single. When you allow the government and paperwork to come in and say, ‘This is a bond, this is a covenant’ … you’re not single,” he said. “You can still make covenants without getting the government involved, where two people say, ‘We choose to be monogamous because we value this so much, we don’t want anyone to be a part of this energy we have,’ and I don’t feel like that’s healthy.”

He continued, “I don’t think monogamy is healthy. I feel like that gets into the space of selfishness and ownership.”

Y’all agree?

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