Over the weekend Christian Toby Obumseli was killed during a dispute with his Blonde IG model girlfriend.
Well MTO News did a bit of digging and located a series of problematic tweets from Christian.
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In old tweets shared from Christian’s Twitter account, he appears to call out black women, saying that “white t*tties” are greater than “black t*tties”. He made it clear that he ONLY dated White women – saying first that Black girls are “not his type.”
But it wasn’t just a preference towards White women, Christian seemed to have some type of animus towards Black women. In one tweet he wrote, “Black girls disgrace themselves on TV.” and in another he wrote, “I’m tired of these Black girls in my government class.”
It also seems like Christian didn’t support Black social justice protests like the Black Lives Matter movement He wrote that he doesn’t;t mind football being interrupted for discussions on the military, or breast cancer – but thought it shouldn’t for issues on racial justice..
Here are just some of the alleged tweets that he sent out: