
Kanye West: We Don’t Need Black History Month!!


The gems are still coming from Kanye West’s three-hour interview with the Joe Rogan podcast — and Ye thinks Black history month is not necessary.

“Most Black people, we don’t know [where they come from]. We think we came from slaves. We don’t know our bloodline and we’re given Black History Month, and we take that like it’s some gift to us. No, it’s a programming to us. Racism doesn’t end until we get to a point where we stop having to put the word ‘Black’ in front of it because it’s like we’re putting the rim a little bit lower for ourselves,” he said.

“We shouldn’t have to have a special box, a special month. What they show on Black History Month is us getting hosed down, reminding us that we were slaves,” he continued before comparing the month to infidelity.

“What if we had, Remember When I Cheated on You Month? Remember When You First Found the Text Messages? How does that make you feel? It makes you feel depleted and defeated.”

Does he have a point?

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