The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City premiered this week, and one of the housewives, Mary Crosby, is being called out for marrying her late grandmother’s husband.
But she says it’s all okay… because they’re not related by blood.
Mary married Bishop Robert C. Cosby so that Mary could be sure to land her inheritance. They have been married for more than 20 years and share a teenage son.
“With a penchant for God, couture and only the finest champagne, Mary Cosby is a Pentecostal First Lady who inherited her family’s empire of churches, restaurants and more,” her Bravo bio reads.
“The caveat in her taking over the family business was that she marry her late grandmother’s second husband, Robert Cosby Sr. They have since been married for 20 years and have one teenage son together. Small but mighty and always dressed to the nines, her unconventional past has made her guarded and she quickly finds herself on shaky ground with some of the ladies.”
Watch the show trailer below.