
105-Yr-Old Woman: Gin Soaked Raisins Helped Me Beat COVID!!


A 105-year-old woman is claiming that she beat COVID-19 with gin-soaked raisins.

Lucia DeClerck, the oldest resident of her New Jersey nursing home, tested positive for the virus on her 105th birthday. She tested positive a day after receiving her second vaccine jab.

“Prayer. Prayer. Prayer,” she told The New York Times. “One step at a time. No junk food.”

She also said she at nine gin-soaked golden raisins each morning for most of her life. “Fill a jar,” she told the news outlet. “Nine raisins a day after it sits for nine days.”


On Monday, the US recorded 500,071 deaths related to COVID-19, according to data from John Hopkins University’s Coronavirus Resource Center. The U.S. also leads the world in coronavirus cases, over 28 million, followed by India with 11 million.

According to health data, the huge number was reached by there being an average of 2,899 deaths a day due to the virus.

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